Sie sind hier: Startseite Laboratories Woias, Peter Projects


German Artificial Sphincter System „GASS“. Eine intelligente, telemetrisch bedienbare Schließmuskelprothese zur Kontrolle der Blasen- und Darmentleerung.


Project description

An artificial sphincter prosthesis was designed on the basis of the micropump, that was developed in the Project GASS. This sphincter system was manufactured and tested in animal experiments. The compact system (Fig. 1) consists of a hollow body which is placed around the defective sphincter and a micropump that sets the hollow body under pressure depending on the desired degree of continence. The housing contains the micropump, pressure sensors as well as a valve and the entire electronic control, including communication and power supply. The main project achievements were the reduction of the drive voltage of the micropump to 40V peak to peak, and its power consumption from 212 mW to 63 mW, and the considerable miniaturization of the electronics. In addition, a normally closed microvalve was developed.

Start/End of project

01.01.2008 until 31.12.2011

Project manager

Frank Goldschmidtboeing (Prof. Dr. Peter Woias)

Contact person

Frank Goldschmidtboeing
Phone:0761 / 203-7496


Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Prof. Dr. Ing. Gerd Hirzinger Klinik. f. Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c./RC U.T. Hopt
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