Sie sind hier: Startseite Laboratories Rohrbach, Alexander Staff Subhrokoli Ghosh

Subhrokoli Ghosh

I am from Siliguri, a city at the foothills of Himalaya, India. After completing my schooling and college studies in Siliguri, I joined the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER ) Kolkata as an Int-PhD student in 2012 with Physics major and earned the dual degree (masters and PhD) in 2020. During my PhD I studied microbubbles in Optical tweezers (OT).

In October 2020, I joined the BNP group of IMTEK as a Postdoc fellow. My current research focuses on understanding the molecular origin of friction. I am using OT to move trapped probes along surfaces and to track their position fluctuations at MHZ rates.


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