You are here: Home Laboratories Wallrabe, Ulrike Publications


Journal Articles

Years: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1996 | 1994 | 1992
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    • U. Wallrabe, J.G. Korvink, K. Kratt, V. Badilita, B. Mack
      3D ultra-fast manufacture micro coils on polymer and metal cores,
      2010 SAIEE Africa Research Journal, volume: 101, pages: 42 - 44
    • K. Kratt, V. Badilita, T. Burger, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
      A fully MEMS compatible process for 3-D high aspect ratio micro coils obtained with an automatic wire bonder,
      2010 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 20, issue: 1
    • F. Schneider, J. Draheim, J. Brunne, P. Waibel, U. Wallrabe
      Characterisation of adaptive fluidic silicone-membrane lenses,
      2010 SAIEE Africa Research Journal, volume: 101, issue: 1, pages: 21 - 25
    • T.-M. Chen, Z. Liu, J.G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
      Design Rule and Orientation Layout for MEMS Curved Beams on Silicon,
      2010 J Microelectromech S, volume: 19, issue: 3, pages: 706 - 714
    • V. Badilita, K. Kratt, N. Baxan, M. Mohmmadzadeh, T. Burger, H. Weber, D. von Elverfeldt, J. Hennig, J.G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
      On-chip three dimensional microcoils for MRI at the micro scale,
      2010 Lab Chip, volume: 11, pages: 1387 - 1390
    • S. Waselikowski, K. Kratt, V. Badilita, U. Wallrabe, J.G. Korvink, M. Walther
      Three-dimensional microcoils as terahertz metamaterial with electric and magnetic response,
      2010 Appl Phys Lett, volume: 97


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    • J. Draheim, F. Schneider, R. Kamberger, C. Mueller, U. Wallrabe
      Fabrication of a fluidic membrane lens system,
      2009 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 19, issue: 9
    • K.Kratt, V. Badilita, T. Burger, J. Mohr, M. Börner, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
      High aspect ratio PMMA posts and characterization method for micro coils manufactured with an automatic wire bonder,
      2009 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 156, issue: 2, pages: 328 - 333
    • F. Schneider, J. Draheim, R. Kamberger, P. Waibel, U. Wallrabe
      Optical characterization of adaptive fluidic silicone-membrane lenses,
      2009 Opt Express, volume: 17, issue: 14, pages: 11813 - 11821
    • S. Schonhardt, J. G. Korvink, J. Mohr, U. Hollenbach, U. Wallrabe
      Optimization of an electromagnetic comb drive actuator
      2009 Sensors and Actuators A, volume: 154, pages: 212 - 217
    • F. Schneider, J. Draheim, R. Kamberger, U. Wallrabe
      Process and material properties of polydimethyl-siloxane (PDMS) for Optical MEMS,
      2009 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 151, issue: 2, pages: 95 - 99


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    • F. Schneider, C. Müller, U. Wallrabe
      A low cost adaptive silicone membrane lens,
      2008 J Opt A-pure Appl Op, volume: 10, issue: 4
    • F. Schneider, T. Fellner, J. Wilde, U. Wallrabe
      Mechanical properties of silicones for MEMS,
      2008 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 18, issue: 6
    • F. Schneider, J. Draheim, C. Müller, U. Wallrabe
      Optimization of an adaptive PDMS-membrane lens with an integrated actuator,
      2008 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 154, issue: 2, pages: 316 - 321


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    • Wallrabe U, Solf C, Mohr J, Korvink JG
      Miniaturized Fourier Transform Spectrometer for the near infrared wavelength regime incorporating an electromagnetic linear actuator,
      2005 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 123-124C, pages: 459 - 467


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    • Solf C, Janssen A, Mohr J, Ruzzu A, Wallrabe U
      Incorporating Design Rules into the LIGA Technology applied to a Fourier Transformation Spectrometer,
      2004 Microsyst Technol, volume: 10, pages: 706 - 710


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    • Mohr J, Last A, Hollenbach U, Oka T, Wallrabe U
      A Modular Fabrication Concept for Micro Optical Systems,
      2003 J Lightwave Technol, volume: 21, issue: 3, pages: 643 - 647
    • Oka T, Nakajima H, Tsugai M, Hollenbach U, Wallrabe U, Mohr J
      Development of a micro-optical distance sensor,
      2003 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 102, issue: 3, pages: 261 - 267
    • Ruzzu A, Haller D, Mohr J, Wallrabe U
      Optoelectromechanical Switch Array with Passively Aligned Free-Space Optical Components,
      2003 J Lightwave Technol, volume: 21, issue: 3, pages: 664 - 671


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    • Wallrabe U, Dittrich H, Friedsdam G, Hanemann Th, Mohr J, Müller K, Piotter V, Ruther P, Schaller Th, Zißler W
      Micromolded easy-assembly multi fiber connector: RibCon,
      2002 Microsyst Technol, volume: 8, pages: 83 - 87


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    • Rembe C, Aschemann H, aus der Wiesche S, Hofer EP, Debéda H, Mohr J, Wallrabe U
      Testing and Improvement of Micro-Optical-Switch Dynamics,
      2001 Microelectron Reliab, volume: 41, pages: 471 - 480


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    • Th. Kunz, J. Mohr, A. Ruzzu, K. D. Skrobanek, U. Wallrabe
      Adhesion of Ni-structures on Al2O3 ceramic substrates used for the sacrificial layer technique
      2000 Microsystem Technologies, volume: 6, pages: 121 - 125


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    • H. Debéda, T.v. Freyhold, J. Mohr, U. Wallrabe, J. Wengelink
      Developoment of miniaturized piezoelectric actuators for optical applications realized using LIGA technology
      1999 J Microelectromech S, volume: 8, issue: 3, pages: 258 - 263
    • V.D. Samper, A.J. Sangster, R.L. Reuben, U. Wallrabe
      Torque evaluation of a LIGA fabricated electrostatic micromotor
      1999 J Microelectromech S, volume: 8, issue: 1, pages: 115 - 123


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    • V.D. Samper, A. J. Sangster, U. Wallrabe, R. L. Reuben, J. K. Grund
      Advanced LIGA technology for the integration of an electrostatically controlled bearing in a wobble micromotor
      1998 J Microelectromech S, volume: 7, issue: 4, pages: 423 - 427
    • U. Wallrabe, R. Ruther, T. Schaller, W. K. Schomburg
      Microsystems in Medicine
      1998 Int. Journal of Artifical Organs, volume: 21, issue: 3, pages: 137 - 146
    • V.D. Samper, A. J. Sangster, R. L. Reuben, U. Wallrabe
      Multistator LIGA fabricated electrostatic wobble motors with integrated synchronous control.
      1998 J Microelectromech S, volume: 7, issue: 2, pages: 214 - 223


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    • D. Mathieson, U. Beerschwinger, S. J. Yang, R. L. Reuben, M. Taghizadeh, S. Eckert, U. Wallrabe
      Effect of progressive wear on the friction characteristics of nickel LIGA processed rotors
      1996 Wear, volume: 192, pages: 199 - 207
    • T. Bieger, U. Wallrabe
      Tribological investigation of LIGA-microstructures
      1996 Microsyst Technol, volume: 2, pages: 63 - 70


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    • U. Wallrabe, P. Bley, B. Krevet, W. Menz, J. Mohr
      Design rules and test of electrostatic micromotors made by the LIGA process
      1994 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 4, pages: 40 - 45
    • U. Beerschwinger, S. J. Yang, R. L. Reuben, M. Taghizadeh, S. Eckert, U. Wallrabe
      Friction measurements of LIGA-processed microstructures
      1994 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 4, pages: 14 - 22


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    • M. Himmelhaus, P. Bley, J. Mohr, U. Wallrabe
      Integrated measuring system for the detection of the number of revolutions of LIGA microturbines in view of a volumetric flow sensor
      1992 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 2, pages: 196 - 198
    • J. Mohr, P. Bley, M. Strohrmann, U. Wallrabe
      Microactuators fabricated by the LIGA process
      1992 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 2, pages: 234 - 241


    Years: 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009
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      • Der Andere Verlag
        Towards high performing resonant electrodynamic vibration energy harvesters
        Clemens Cepnik


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      • Der Andere Verlag
        Minimalistic adaptive lenses
        Jan Draheim


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      • Der Andere Verlag
        Elektromagnetische Energiewandler mit dem Potential zur großflächigen Anwendung
        Benjamin Mack
      • Der Andere Verlag
        Microcoils manufactured with a wire bonder
        Kai Kratt


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      • Der Andere Verlag, page: 190
        Adaptive Silikon-Membranlinsen mit integriertem Piezo-Aktor,
        ISBN: 978-3-89959-859-9
        F. Schneider
      • Der Andere Verlag
        Electromagnetic comb-drives
        Stefan Schonhardt
      • Der Andere Verlag
        Synthesis of compliant single crystal silicon mechanisms with large deformation
        Tzung-Ming Chen

      Book chapters

      Years: 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2008 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003
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        • K.V. Poletkin, V. Badilita, Z. Lu, U. Wallrabe, C. Shearwood
          Micro-machined inductive contactless suspension: Technology and Modelling
          In: Magnetic Sensors: Technologies and Applications
          2017, CRC Press, L. Francis, K.V. Poletkin, K. Iniewsk, ieds., L. Francis, K.V. Poletkin, K. Iniewsk, ieds., ISBN: 978-1-498-71097-8


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        • U. Wallrabe, M. Stürmer, E. Förster, R. Brunner
          Hyperspectral eye
          In: Tunable Micro-optics
          2016, Cambridge University Press, Hans Zappe, Claudia Duppé, eds., pages: 395 - 416, Hans Zappe, Claudia Duppé, eds., ISBN: 978-1-107-03245-3
        • J. Draheim, U. Wallrabe
          Piezoelectrically actuated tunable microlenses1
          In: Tunable Micro-optics
          2016, Cambridge University Press, Hans Zappe, Claudia Duppé, eds., pages: 241 - 261, Hans Zappe, Claudia Duppé, eds., ISBN: 978-1-107-03245-3


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        • Poletkin, K. V., Shearwood, C., Chernomorsky, A. I., Wallrabe, U.
          Micromachined contactless suspensions
          In: Technologies for Smart Sensors and Sensor Fusion
          2014, CRC Press, K. Yallup und K. Iniewski, pages: 211 - 235, K. Yallup und K. Iniewski, ISBN: 9781466595507


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        • K. Poletkin, C. Shearwood, A.I. Chernomorsky, U. Wallrabe
          Micromachined contactless suspensions
          In: Technologies for Smart Sensors and Sensor Fusion
          2013, CRC Press, K. Yallup and K. Iniewsky, K. Yallup and K. Iniewsky, ISBN: 9781466595507


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        • U. Gengenbach, I. Sieber, U. Wallrabe
          Design for LIGA and safe manufacturing
          In: Advanced Micro and Nanosystems
          2008, Wiley-VCH, V. Saile, U. Wallrabe, O. Tabata, J. G. Korvink (Vol. eds), O. Brand, G. Fedder, C. Hierold, J.G. Korvink, O. Tabata (Eds.), pages: 143 - 188, V. Saile, U. Wallrabe, O. Tabata, J. G. Korvink (Vol. eds), O. Brand, G. Fedder, C. Hierold, J.G. Korvink, O. Tabata (Eds.), ISBN: 978-3-527-31698-4
        • V. Saile, U. Wallrabe, O. Tabata, J. G. Korvink
          LIGA and its applications
          In: Advanced Micro and Nanosystems
          2008, Wiley-CH, pages: 143 - 188, ISBN: 978-3-527-31698-4
        • U. Wallrabe, J. G. Korvink, J. Mohr
          Materials, Fabrication and Packaging, Electronics and System Design
          In: LIGA. Comprehensive Microsystems
          2008, Elsevier, Y.B. Gainchandani, O. Tabata, H. Zappe, pages: 292 - 340, Y.B. Gainchandani, O. Tabata, H. Zappe,


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        • Wallrabe U, Saile V
          LIGA Technology for R&D and Industrial Applications,
          In: MEMS: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis, and Applications
          2005, William Andrew, Inc. & Springer, J. Korvink, O. Paul, pages: 853 - 899, J. Korvink, O. Paul,


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        • Mohr J, Last A, Wallrabe U
          Modular Fabrication Concept for LIGA based Microoptics,
          In: Microoptics - From Technology to Applications
          2004, Springer Series in Optical Sciences, J. Jahns, K.-H. Brenner, pages: 115 - 126, J. Jahns, K.-H. Brenner,


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        • Wallrabe U, Mohr J
          Modular Microoptical Systems for Sensors and Telecommunication,
          In: Sensors Update Vol. 12
          2003, Wiley-VCH, H. Baltes, J. Korvink, G. Fedder, pages: 143 - 174, H. Baltes, J. Korvink, G. Fedder,


        Years: 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2012
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          • Lemke F, Weirich C, Philipp K, Kouourakis N, Czarske J, Wallrabe U, Wapler M
            Adaptive piezogetriebene Hochgeschwindigkeits-Linse mit asphärischer Korrektur
            2017 DGAO Jahrestagung 2017
          • U. Wallrabe
            Nicht-sphärische adaptive Optik für die Lebenswissenschaften
            2017 DGAO Tagung Dresden, Germany
          • Wapler M, Testud F, Hucker P, Spengler N, Zaitsev M, Wallrabe U
            Simultane Kernspin- und optische Mikroskopie mit adaptiven Linsen
            2017 DGAO Jahrestagung 2017


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          • U. Wallrabe, A. Müller, M. Reisacher, O. Ambacher, K. Holc, M.C. Wapler
            Controlling Bessel beams for optophysiology
            2016 BMT Dreiländer Jahrestagung der Medizinischen Gesellschaft, Basel, Schweiz
          • U. Wallrabe, M. Stürmer, R. Brunner, E. Förster, J.G. Korvink, M. Abdo, M. Zaitsev, F. Testud, F. Lemke, M.C. Wapler
            Piezo actuated adaptive lenses
            2016 ISOT, Int. Symposium of Optomechatronics Technology, Tokyo, Japan


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          • Wapler M, Testud F, Spengler N, Zaitsev M, Wallrabe U
            An MR-Compatible Microscope for Simultaneous Dual-Mode Optical and MR Micros-copy
            2015 Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference 2015, Contribution 262
          • Wapler M, Testud F, Spengler N, Zaitsev M, Wallrabe U
            “Concurrent Optical and Magnetic Resonance Microscopy”,
            2015 International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy 2015: Contribution A-205


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          • Wallrabe, Ulrike
            "Trends in microactuators - attacking the compromises"
            2012 Actuators 2012 Bremen
          • Michael Pauls
            A reflective tunable blazed-grating for high energy femtosecon laser pulses
            2012 ISOT 12, Paris, Frankreich
          • Vlad Badilita
            Wirebonded Microcoils for Microscale Magnetic Resonance-Based Detection
            2012 Romanian Research in Diaspora, Bukarest

          Conference papers

          Years: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990
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            • A. Müller, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Economical rapid-prototyping of aspherical lenses
              2019 EOS World of Photonics Congress 2019, Munich, Germany PJ Web of Conferences, volume: 215, issue: 04001
            • A. Müller, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Economical rapid-prototyping of aspherical lenses
              2019 EOS World of Photonics congress 2019, Munich, Germany PJ Web of Conferences, volume: 215, issue: 04001
            • H.G.B. Gowda, U. Wallrabe
              Integrated Sensor System to Control the Temperature Effects and the Hysteresis on Adaptive Fluid-membrane Piezoelectric lenses
              2019 ISOT 2019, 20th Int. Symposium of Optomechatronics Technology, Goa, India
            • H.G.B. Gowda, U. Wallrabe,
              Integrated sensor system to control the temperature effects and the hysteresis on adaptive fluid-membrane piezoelectric lenses
              2019 ISOT 2019, 20th Int. Symposium of Optomechatronics Technology, Goa, India
            • A. Müller, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Micro-optical System for depth-controlled Bessel beam arrays
              2019 Int. Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Daejeon, Korea , pages: 184 - 185
            • A. Müller, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Micro-optical system for depth-controlled Bessel beam arrays
              2019 Int. Conf. on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN) 2019, Daejeon, Korea , pages: 184 - 185
            • F. Lemke, P.M. Weber, U. Wallrabe, M.C. Wapler
              Miniaturized piezo-actuated adaptive prism for biaxial optical scanning
              2019 Int. Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics 2019, Daejeon, Korea , pages: 222 - 223
            • F. Lemke, P.M. Weber, U. Wallrabe, M.C. Wapler
              Miniaturized piezo-actuated adaptive prism for biaxial optical scanning
              2019 Int. Conf. on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN) 2019, Daejeon, Korea , pages: 222 - 223
            • B. Kar, U. Wallrabe
              Performance enhancement of an ultrasonic power transfer system through a tightly coupled solid media using a KLM model.
              2019 Power MEMS 2019, Krakow, Poland
            • A. Müller, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Rapid-Prototyping Prozess für stark asphärische Mikrolinsen-Arrays.
              2019 Mikrosystemtechnikkongress 2019 Berlin, Germany VDE-Verlag 2019, pages: 88 - 91
            • A. Müller, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Rapid-Prototyping Prozess für stark asphärische Mikrolinsen-Arrays.
              2019 Mikrosystemtechnikkongress 2019, Berlin, Germany VDE-Verlag Berlin, pages: 88 - 91
            • B.P. Bruno, A. Treffer, R. Grunwald, U. Wallrabe
              Thermally actuated free-form MEMS mirrors
              2019 Int. Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics 2019, Daejeon, Korea , pages: 82 - 83
            • B.P. Bruno, A. Treffer, R. Grunwald, U. Wallrabe
              Thermally actuated free-form MEMS mirrows
              2019 Int. Conf. on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN) 2019, Daejeon, Korea , pages: 82 - 83
            • M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Ultrafast and compact varifocal lens
              2019 IEEE MEMS 2019, Seoul ,Korea IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, pages: 938 - 941
            • M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Ultrafast and compact varifocal lens.
              2019 IEEE MicroElectro Mechanicals Systems, MEMS 2019, Seoul, Korea 2019 , pages: 938 - 941
            • M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Ultraschnelle und ultrakompakte adaptive Linse
              2019 Mikrosystemtechnikkongress 2019 ,Berlin, Germany VDE Verlag Berlin, pages: 186 - 188
            • M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Ultraschnelle und ultrakompakte adaptive Linse
              2019 Mikrosystemtechnikkongress 2019, Berlin, Germany VDE-Verlag Berlin, pages: 186 - 188


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            • Bruno B, Fahmy A, Stürmer M, Wallrabe U, Wapler M
              Characterizing Piezoceramic Materials in High Electric Field Actuator Applications
              2018 ACTUATOR 2018, 16th Int. Conference on New Actuators, Bremen, Germany , pages: 416 - 419
            • B.P. Bruno, R. Grunwald, U. Wallrabe
              Fabrication of an adaptive micro Fresnel-mirror array
              2018 ISOT 2018 Int. Symposium of Optomechatronics Technology, Cancún, Mexico Springer Proceedings in Physics, volume: 233, pages: 29 - 35
            • B.P. Bruno, R. Grunwald, U. Wallrabe
              Fabrication of an adaptive micro Fresnel-mirror array
              2018 ISOT 2018, 19th Int. Symposium of Optomechatronics Technology, Cancun, Mexico Springer Proceedings in Physics, volume: 233, pages: 29 - 35
            • F. Lemke, P.M. Weber, U. Wallrabe, M.C. Wapler
              Piezo actuated adaptive prisms for optical scanning
              2018 ISOT 2018, 19th Int. Symposium of Optomechatronics Technology, Cancun, Mexico Springer Proceedings in Physics, volume: 233, pages: 85 - 91
            • F. Lemke, P.M. Weber, U. Wallrabe, M.C. Wapler
              Piezo actuated adaptive prisms for optical scanning
              2018 ISOT 2018, Int. Symposium of Optomechatronics Technology, Cancún.Mexico, 2018 Springer Proceedings in Physics, volume: 233, pages: 85 - 91
            • F. Lemke, M. Stürmer, U. Wallrabe, M.C. Wapler
              Pre-stressed Piezo Bending-buckling Actuators for Adaptive Lenses
              2018 ACTUATOR 2018, 16th Int. Conference on New Actuators, Bremen, Germany , pages: 450 - 453
            • F. Lemke, Y. Frey, U. Wallrabe, M.C. Wapler
              Pre-stressed piezo bending-buckling actuators for adaptive lenses
              2018 ACTUATOR 2018, 16th Int. Conference on New Actuators, Bremen, 2018 , pages: 450 - 453


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            • K.V. Poletkin, Z. Lu, A. Moazenzadeh, S.G. Mariappan, J.G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe, V. Badilita
              3D micro-machined inductive suspensions with the lowest energy consumption.
              2017 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress München, Germany , pages: 500 - 502
            • B.P. Bruno, M. Stürmer, R. Grunwald, U. Wallrabe
              A piezoelectrically tunable Fresnel mirror array
              2017 Micromechanics Europe, Uppsala, Sweden
            • K.V. Poletkin, Z. Lu, U. Wallrabe, J.G. Korvink, V. Badilita
              A qualitative technique to study stability and dynamics of micro-machines inductive contactless suspensions.
              2017 TRANSDUCERS, Kaohsiung, Taiwan , pages: 528 - 531
            • T. Hehn, M. Stürmer, J. Merz, D. Mintenbeck, U. Wallrabe, Y. Manoli
              Adaptive Linse mit energieeffizienter Treibertechnik
              2017 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress München, Germany , pages: 352 - 355
            • M.C. Wapler, F. Lemke, G. Alia, U. Wallrabe
              Adaptive Spiegel mit asphärischer Korrektur für Miniatur-Spiegel-Linsenobjektive mit langer Brennweite.
              2017 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress München, Germany , pages: 809 - 812
            • N. Koukourakis, K. Philipp, F. Lemke, M. Stürmer, M. Wapler, U. Wallrabe, J. Czarske
              Adaptive lenses for axial scanning in HiLo microscopy
              2017 OSA Photonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences, San Diego, CA, USA , volume: BoTu1A.2
            • A. Treffer, M. Bock, U. Wallrabe, R. Grunwald
              Array-specific propagation of flexibly structured ultrashort-pulses
              2017 SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, Ca, USA Complex light and optical forces XI, volume: 10120, issue: 101200S
            • M.C. Wapler, F. Lemke, G. Alia, U. Wallrabe
              Aspherical high-speed varifocal mirror for catadioptric miniature telephoto optic
              2017 SPIE EOS Optical Technologies, 5th Conf. on Manufacturing of Optical Systems, Munich
            • M. Abdo, E. Förster, P. Bohnert, M. Stürmer, V. Badilita, R. Brunner, U. Wallrabe, J.G. Korvink
              Automatic corrections of diffraction pattern shift in a pushbroom hyperspectral imager with a piezoelectric internal line-scanning unit
              2017 SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, CA, USA Photonic Instrumentation Engineering IV, volume: 10110, issue: 101104
            • K.V. Poletkin, Z. Lu, A. Moazenzadeh, S.G. Mariappan, J.G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe, V. Badilita
              Energy-aware 3D micro-machined inductive suspensions with polymer magnetic composite core
              2017 Power MEMS, Kanazawa, Japan , pages: 150 - 153
            • F. Suárez Sandoval, S.M. Torres Delgado, A. Moazenzadeh, U. Wallrabe
              Flexible wireless power transfer system based on closed-loop magnetoinductive waveguides: solution to misaligned and rotational systems
              2017 Power MEMS, Kanazawa, Japan , pages: 342 - 346
            • S. Bär, T. Oerther, A. Müller, M. Weigel, M.C. Wapler, J. Leupold
              Ingredients for balanced SSFP Microimaging
              2017 Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
            • M. Gorostiaga, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Less gives more: On the optimal filling fraction of piezoelectric acoustic power receivers
              2017 Power MEMS, Kanazawa, Japan , pages: 146 - 149
            • F. Suárez Sandoval, A. Moazenzadeh, U. Wallrabe
              Magnetoinductive waves for wireless power transfer: challenges and Solutions.
              2017 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress München, Germany , pages: 560 - 563
            • A. Müller, M.C. Wapler, P. Vaity, M. Reisacher, O. Ambacher, S. Okujeni, U. Egert, M. Bartos, I. Diester, U. Wallrabe
              Non-diffracting light beams for optogenetics
              2017 BrainLinks BrainTools International Conference, Freiburg, 2017
            • M. Gorostiaga, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              On the optimal electric load for ultrasound energy receivers
              2017 IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric (ISAF), Atlanta, USA IEEE, pages: 37 - 40
            • M. Stürmer, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Robuste adaptive Linsen mit Silikon- und Glasmembranen
              2017 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress München, Germany , pages: 805 - 808
            • K. Philipp, F. Lemke, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe, N. Koukourakis, J. Czarske
              Spherical aberration correction of adaptive lenses
              2017 SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, Ca, USA Adaptive optics and Wavefront control for biological Systems III, volume: 10073, issue: 1007303
            • A. Müller, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Steuerbare Ringblenden für segmentierte Besselstrahlen.
              2017 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress München, Germany , pages: 128 - 130
            • A. Müller, M.C. Wapler, M. Reisacher, O. Ambacher, U. Wallrabe
              Tiefenkontrollierbare Bessel-Strahlen für quasi-nichtinvasive optogenetische Stimulation
              2017 118. Jahrestagung d. Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik, Dresden, Germany


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            • Wallrabe U
              Axicons et al. – highly apsherical adaptive optical elements for the life sciences
              2015 Transducers 2015 IEEE, volume: 2015, pages: 251 - 256
            • U. Wallrabe, J. Brunne, A. Treffer, R. Grundwald
              Adaptive micro axicons for laser applications
              2015 ISOT 2015, Int. Symposium of Optomechatronics Technology, Neuchatel, Schweiz
            • U. Wallrabe
              Axicons et. al - Highly aspherical adaptive optical elements for the life sciences
              2015 TRANSCUCERS 2015, Anchorage, AL, USA , pages: 251 - 256
            • K. V. Poletkin, Z. Lu, U. Wallrabe, V. Badilita
              Hybrid electromagnetic and electrostatic micromachined suspension with adjustable dynamics
              2015 Power Mems 2015, Boston, MA, USA
            • Moazenzadeh, A., Suarez Sandoval, F., Spengler, N., Wallrabe, U.
              Microtransformers on 3D closed-loop cores made of amorphous magnetic alloys
              2015 18th Transducers 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA IEEE, pages: 602 - 605
            • M. Gorostiaga, M.C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
              Novel spring-mass matching layer fabrication
              2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Teipei, Taiwan 2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)
            • Wapler MC, Weirich C, Stürmer M, Wallrabe U
              2015 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2015), IEEE, volume: 2015
            • Wapler M, Weirich C, Stürmer M, Wallrabe U
              Ultra-kompakte adaptive Hochgeschwindigkeitslinsen mit großer Apertur und asphärischer Korrektur
              2015 MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2015, Karlsruhe MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2015, VDE, pages: 66 - 69


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            • Poletkin, K.V., Chernomorsky, A. I., Shearwood, C., Wallrabe, U.
              An Analytical Model of Micromachined Electromagnetic Inductive Contactless Suspension
              2013 ASME and IMECE 2013, San Diego, California, USA
            • Markus V. Meissner, Robert Ch. Meier, Pter T. While, Ali Moazenzadeh, Jan G. Korvink
              Micro Magnetic Resonance x, y-Gradient Systems for Microscopic Samples
              2013 ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Salt Lake City, UTAH, USA
            • A. Treffer, S.K. Das, H. Messaoudi, J. Brunne, U. Wallrabe, R. Grunwald
              Adaptive Generation of laser induced periodic structures with MEMS axicons
              2013 PIERS Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Special Session SC3&2, Stockholm, Sweden , page: 1391
            • M. Bock, J. Brunne, A. Treffer, S. König, U. Wallrabe, R. Grunwald
              Adaptive spiral phase elements for the generation of few-cycle vortex pulses
              2013 CLEO / EUROPE - IQEC, Munich, Germany
            • K. Poletkin, A.I. Chernomorsky, C. Shearwood, U. Wallrabe
              An analytical model of micromachined electromagnetic inductive contactless suspension
              2013 Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2013), San Diego, California, USA
            • Moritz Stürmer, Matthias C. Wapler, Jens Brunne, Ulrike Wallrabe
              Focusing mirror with tunable eccentricity
              2013 Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics, Kanazawa, JAPAN , pages: 159 - 160
            • Matthias C Wapler, Jens Brunne, Ulrike Wallrabe
              Freeform high-speed large-amplitude deformable piezo mirrors
              2013 IEEE Conf. on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Kanazawa, JAPAN , pages: 157 - 158
            • Matthias C. Wapler, Jens Brunne, Ulrike Wallrabe
              Freeform single layer bending actuators: new design freedom for piezo actuators
              2013 MST-Kongress, Aachen
            • Ali Moazenzadeh, Nils Spengler, Ulrike Wallrabe
              High-Performance, 3D-microtransformers on multilayered magnetic cores
              2013 26th IEEE Int. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Taipei , pages: 287 - 290
            • A. Treffer, S.K. Das, M. Bock, J. Brunne, U. Wallrabe, R. Grunwald
              MEMS axicons for nondiffracting line shaping of ultrashort pulses
              2013 Proc. SPIE 8637, Complex Light and Optical Forces VII
            • N. Spengler, R. Ch. Meier, A. Moazenzadeh, V. Badilita, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Micro-NMR probe featuring disposable, self-priming sample-inserts, towards high-throughput profiling
              2013 TRANSDUCERS 2013, Barcelona, Spain , pages: 2118 - 2121
            • Spengler, N., Meier, R., Moazenzadeh, A., Badilita, V., Korvink, J.G., Wallrabe, U.
              Mikro-Helmholtzspule mit austauschbaren, mikrofluidischen Probenbehältern für MRT-Mikroskopie und -Spektroskopie
              2013 MST-Kongress, Aachen, Deutschland VDE Verlag GmbH, pages: 241 - 244
            • N. Spengler, R.Ch. Meier, A. Moazenzadeh, V. Badilita, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Multi-use wirebonded Helmholtz probe for nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy and spectroscopy
              2013 Int. Conf. on Microtechnogoies in Medicine and Biologym Marina del Rey, CA, USA , pages: 76 - 77
            • Moritz Stürmer, Matthias C. Wapler, Jens Brunne, Ulrike Wallrabe
              Vom Sattel bis zur Sphäre: Piezobiegeaktoren mit variabler Oberflächenkrümmung
              2013 Mikrosystemtechnikkongress, Aachen, Deutschland , pages: 55 - 58
              Download file
            • A. Moazenzadeh, N. Spengler, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Wire bonder made on-chip microtransformers for very high frequency (VHF) regime applications
              2013 MST-Kongress, Aachen, Germany , pages: 737 - 740
            • N. Spengler, R. Ch. Meier, A. Moazenzadeh, V. Badilita, J. G. Krovink, U. Wallrabe
              µHelmholtz-probe featuring disposable, self-priming sample inserts for sterile, high throughput screening of volume-limited samples
              2013 ENC Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, USA , pages: 14 - 19


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            • Pauls, M., Brunne, J., Wallrabe, U., Grunwald, R.
              A reflective tunable blazed-grating for high energy femtosecond laser pulses
              2012 Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT), Stockholm, Sweden , issue: 1, supplement: 2, pages: 29 - 31
            • Brunne, J., Wapler, M., Wallrabe, U., Treffer, A., Bock, M., Grunwald, R.
              Adaptive Fresnel mirror for ultrashort-pulse laser beam shaping
              2012 Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT), Stockholm, Sweden , issue: 1, supplement: 2, pages: 29 - 31
            • A. Treffer, J. Brunne, S.K. Das, M. Bock, H. Messaoudi, U. Wallrabe, R. Grunwald
              Characterization of fast-switching low-dispersion MEMS-based micro-axicons for applications in ultrashort-pulse nanostructuring
              2012 Frühjahrstagung Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Sektion AMOP, Stuttgart, Germany
            • Lu, Z., Jia, F., Korvink, J.G., Wallrabe, U., Badilita, V.
              Design optimization of an electromagnetic microlevitation System based on copper wirebonded coils
              2012 Power MEMS, Atlanta, GA, USA , pages: 363 - 366
            • Vlad Badilita
              First Microfabricated Inserts for Magic Angle Coil Spinning (MACS) NMR Spectroscopy
              2012 ENC Conference, Miami, Florida PlosOne, volume: 7, issue: (8), supplement: e42848
            • Ali Moazenzadeh, Nils Spengler, Ulrike Wallrabe
              On-chip, mems-scale, high-performance, 3D-solenoidal transformers
              2012 Power Mems Atlanta, Georgia, USA


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            • K. Kratt, S. Waselikowski, V. Badilita, U. Wallrabe, M. Walther, J. G. Korvink
              3D microcoils as metamaterial with electric and magnetic response
              2011 TRANSDUCERS, Peking, PR China , pages: 2666 - 2669
            • V. Badilita, K. Kratt, N. Baxan, J. Anders, D. von Elverfeldt, G. Boero, J. Hennig, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              3D solenoidal microcoil arrays with CMOS integrated amplifiers for parallel MR imaging and spectroscopy
              2011 MEMS 2011, Cancún, México Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, IEEE, pages: 809 - 812
            • Cepnik C, Wallrabe U
              A micro energy harvester with 3D wirebonded microcoils
              2011 TRANSDUCERS 2011/Peking, PR China IEEE, pages: 665 - 668
            • C. Cepnik, U. Wallrabe
              A novel flat high performance micro energy harvester
              2011 TRANSDUCERS, Peking, PR China , pages: 661 - 664
            • J. Brunne, M. Bock, A. Treffer, U. Wallrabe, R. Grunwald
              Adaptive generation of Bessel-like beams by reflective multi-electrode piezo-axicons
              2011 CLEO, München , volume: CF_P14
            • J. Brunne, M. Bock, A. Treffer, U. Wallrabe, R. Grunwald
              Adaptive generation of Bessel-like beams by reflective multi-electrode piezo-axicons
              2011 CLEO/ EUROPE and EQEC, Munich CLEO / Europe an EQEC Conference Digest, OSA Technical Digest (CD)
            • J. Brunne, R. Grunwald, U. Wallrabe
              Adaptive piezoelectric axicon mirrors for high power femtosecond laser applications
              2011 TRANSDUCERS, Peking, PR China , pages: 1558 - 1561
            • J. Brunne, R. Grunwald, U. Wallrabe
              Adaptive piezoelektrische Axiconspiegel für ultrakurze Laserpulse
              2011 Mikrosystemtechnikkongress, Darmstadt , issue: 23, pages: 110 - 113
            • V. Badilita, S. Rzesnik, K. Kratt, U. Wallrabe
              Characterization of the 2nd generation magnetic microbearing with integrated stabilization for frictionless devices
              2011 TRANSDUCERS, Peking, PR China , pages: 1456 - 1459
            • J. Draheim, T. Burger, R. Kamberger, U. Wallrabe
              Closed-loop pressure control of an adaptive single chamber membrane lens with integrated actuation
              2011 Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics, Istanbul , pages: 47 - 48
            • O. G. Gruschke, L. Clad, N. Baxan, K. Kratt, M. Mohmmadzadeh, D. von Elverfeldt, A. Peter, J. Hennig, V. Badilita, U. Wallrabe, J.G. Korvink
              Empfangsmikrospulenarray für Magnetresonanztomographie
              2011 Mikrosystemtechnikkongress, Darmstadt , issue: 50, pages: 217 - 220
            • J. Brunne, A. Treffer, M. Bock, R. Grunwald, U. Wallrabe
              Fast optical line shaper for ultrashort-pulse laser nanomachining
              2011 Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics, Istanbul, Türkei , pages: 5 - 6
            • J. Draheim, T. Burger, F. Schneider, U. Wallrabe
              Fluidic zoom lens system using two single chamber adaptive lenses with integrated actuation
              2011 MEMS 2011, Cancún, México Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, IEEE, pages: 692 - 695
            • J. Brunne, S. Kazan, U. Wallrabe
              In-plane DEAP stack actuators for optical MEMS applications
              2011 SPIE ´11, San Diego, CA, USA
            • V. Badilita, B. Fassbender, O. Gruschke, K. Kratt, R. Meier, D. Sakellariou, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Inductively coupled wirebonded microcoils for wireless on-chip NMR
              2011 TRANSDUCERS, Peking, PR China , pages: 2798 - 2800
            • K. Kratt, B. Bassbender, V. Badilita, D. Sakellariou, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Induktiv gekoppelte RF Resonatoren für drahtlose NMR Analyse
              2011 Mikrosystemtechnikkongress, Darmstadt , issue: 12.3, pages: 984 - 998
            • Tsumori, F., Brunne, J.
              Magnetic actuator using interactions between micro magnetic elements
              2011 IEEE MEMS, Cancún, México , pages: 1245 - 1248
            • O. Gruschke, L. Clad, N. Baxan, K. Kratt, M. Mohmmadzadeh, D. von Elverfeld, A. Peter, J. Hennig, V. Badilita, U. Wallrabe, J. G. Korvink
              Multilayer phased microcoil array for magnetic resonance imaging
              2011 TRANSDUCERS, Peking, PR China , pages: 962 - 965
            • C. Cepnik, O. Radler, S. Rosenbaum, T. Ströhla, U. Wallrabe
              On a novel optimization approach of electromagnetic energy harvesters
              2011 ICMSAO´11, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , pages: 1097 - 1102
            • C. Cepnik, U. Wallrabe
              On the comparison, scaling and benchmarking of electromagnetic vibration harvesters
              2011 Power Mems, Seoul, Korea , pages: 70 - 73
            • D. Strohmeier, J. Draheim, M. Domaszewski, A. Greiner, U. Wallrabe, J. G. Korvink
              Particle swarm optimization on a new parametric model of a deformable membrane lens.
              2011 Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics, Istanbul, Türkei , pages: 201 - 202
            • T. M. Chen, J. Brunne, U. Wallrabe
              SOI Process and Stability Measurement of SCS Scanning Micromirror
              2011 HARMST, Hsinchu, Taiwan
            • V. Badilita, B. Fassbender, K. Kratt, R. Meier, D. Sakellariou, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Single chip probe for high resolution magic angle coil spinning NMR of biological samples
              2011 MicroTAS, Seattle, WA , pages: 1314 - 1316
            • J. Draheim, T. Burger, U. Wallrabe
              Variable fluidische Blende auf Basis einer adaptiven Linse mit integrierter piezoelektrischer Aktuierung
              2011 Mikrosystemtechnikkongress, Darmstadt , issue: 24, pages: 114 - 117


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            • T.-M. Chen, S. Krausse, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              12° design rule for single silicon curved beam compliant mechanisms with large deformation
              2010 MEMS Hongkong Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, IEEE, pages: 552 - 555
            • F. Schneider, J. Draheim, T. Burger, J. MacLaren, M. Herbst, M. Zaitsev, R. Bammer, U. Wallrabe
              An adaptive objective for optical motion correction in MRI
              2010 Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics 2010, Sapporo, Japan IEEE, pages: 189 - 190
            • K. Kratt, E. Fischer, V. Badilita, M. Mohammadzadeh, J. Hennig, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Multi-coil MR imaging with a receive array of eight micro coils,
              2010 ISMRM 2010/ Stockholm, Sweden Proc. ISMRM 2010, page: 3227
            • J. Draheim, R. Kamberger, T. Burger, F. Schneider, U. Wallrabe
              Optimierung von piezoelektrischen Pumpaktoren für adaptive Linsen mit großer Apertur
              2010 GMM Workshop Technologien und Werkstoffe der Mikrosystem- und Nanotecnhnik, Darmstadt, Deutschland VDE Verlag GmbH, pages: 91 - 94
            • C. Cepnik, U. Wallrabe
              Practical and theoretical limits of the output power of electromagnetic energy harvesters at miniaturization
              2010 Power MEMS 2010, Leuven, Belgium , pages: 69 - 72
            • J. Draheim, F. Schneider, T. Burger, R. Kamberger, U. Wallrabe
              Single chamber adaptive membrane lens with integrated actuation
              2010 Photonics Society International Conference on Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics, Sapporo, Japan IEEE, pages: 15 - 16
            • R. Ch. Meier, V. Badilita, U. Wallrabe, J.G. Korvink
              Twisted Microfluidics: A novel photoresist lamination process for 3D multilevel lab-on-chip (LOC)applications
              2010 MicroTAS 2010, Groningen, NL , pages: 1145 - 1147


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            • V. Badilita, K. Kratt, T. Burger, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              3D high aspect ratio, MEMS integrated micro-solenoids and Helmholtz micro-coils,
              2009 Transducers 2009/ Denver, CO, USA/ IEEE Proc. Transducers 2009, IEEE, pages: 1106 - 1109
            • U. Wallrabe, J. G. Korvink, K. Kratt, V. Badilita, B. Mack
              3D ultra-fast manufactured microcoils on polymer or metal cores,
              2009 Sensors, MEMS and Electro-optic Systems (SMEOS) Conference/ Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa Proc. SMEOS Conference 2009
            • K. Land, F. Schneider, J. G. Korvink, V. Badilita
              A microfluidic technique for the capture of biological cells,
              2009 Sensors, MEMS and Electro-optic Systems (SMEOS) Conference/ Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa Proc. SMEOS 2009
            • F. Schneider, P. Waibel, U. Wallrabe
              Adaptive silicone-membrane lenses: planar vs. shaped membrane,
              2009 IEEE Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics/ Clearwater Beach, USA Proc. Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics 2009, IEEE, pages: 39 - 40
            • V. Badilita, K. Kratt, N. Baxan, T. Burger, R. Meier, J. Hennig, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Bio-MEMS platform with integrated microfluidics and 3-D micro-coils for parallel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at microscale,
              2009 microTAS 2009/ Jeju, Korea/ Proc. microTAS 2009, pages: 1707 - 1709
            • F. Schneider, J. Draheim, P. Waibel, U. Wallrabe
              Characterisation of adaptive fluidic silicone-membrane lenses,
              2009 Sensors, MEMS and Electro-optic Systems (SMEOS) Conference/ Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa Proc. SMEOS Conference 2009, pages: 37 - 41
            • V. Badilita, M. Pauls, K. Kratt, U. Wallrabe
              Contactless Magnetic Micro-bearing Based on 3D Solenoidal Micro-coils for Advance PowerMEMS Components,
              2009 PowerMEMS 2009/ Washington DC, USA Proceedings Power MEMS 2009, pages: 87 - 90
            • B. Mack, K. Kratt, M. Stürmer, U. Wallrabe
              Electromagnetic micro generator array consisting of 3D micro coils opposing a magnetic PDMS membrane,
              2009 The 15th International Confernce on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems. TRANSDUCERS \& EUROSENSORS/ Denver, CO, USA Proc.Transducers 2009, IEEE, pages: 1397 - 1400
            • B. Mack, K. Kratt, M. Stürmer, R. Lausecker, U. Wallrabe
              Elektromagnetisches Wandlerarray aus 3D Mikrospulen und einer magnetischen PDMS Membran,
              2009 MST Kongress/ Berlin, Germany Proc. MST Kongress 2009, VDE Verlag
            • K. Kratt, V. Badilita, T. Burger, J. Mohr, M. Börner, J.G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Herstellung von 3-D Mikrospulen in einem effizienten MST-Prozess,
              2009 MST Kongress/ Berlin, Germany Proc. MST Kongress 2009, VDE Verlag
            • K. Kratt, V. Badilita, T. Burger, J. Mohr, M. Börner, J. G. Korvink, U.Wallrabe
              High aspect ratio PMMA posts and characterization method for micro coils manufactured with an automatic wire bonder,
              2009 HARMST 2009/ Saskatoon, Canada Proc. HARMST 2009
            • T. Hansel, G. Steinmeyer, R. Grunwald, U. Griebner, F. Schneider, U. Wallrabe
              High-speed contouring of an adaptive fluidic lens with two-wavelength single-pulse digital holography,
              2009 Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging/ Vancouver, Canada Proc. Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2009
            • K. Kratt, V. Badilita, T. Burger, J.G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Micro Helmholtz coil pair towards cellular application
              2009 ISMRM, Hawaii, USA
            • U. Wallrabe, J. G. Korvink, K. Kratt
              Micro coil manufacturing,
              2009 Sensors, MEMS and Electro-optic Systems (SMEOS) Conference/ Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa Proc. SMEOS Conference 2009
            • F. Schneider, J. Draheim, P. Waibel, C. Müller, U. Wallrabe
              Optische Qualität und Systemverhalten von adaptiven Silikonmembranlinsen
              2009 Mikrosystemtechnikkongress, Berlin , pages: 329 - 332
            • F. Schneider, J. Draheim, P. Waibel, C. Müller, U. Wallrabe
              Optische Qualität und Systemverhalten von adaptiven Silikonmembranlinsen,
              2009 MST Kongress/ Berlin, Germany Proc. MST Kongress 2009, VDE Verlag
            • K. Land, F. Schneider, J. G. Korvink, S. Potgieter, L. Fourie, A. Novel
              Passive normally closed microfluidic valve,
              2009 Sensors, MEMS and Electro-optic Systems (SMEOS) Conference/ Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa Proc. SMEOS Conference 2009
            • R. Kamberger, F .Schneider, J. Draheim, U. Wallrabe
              Reliable filling procedure for a fluidic membrane lens,
              2009 MicroMechanics Europe 2009, 20th Workshop on Micromechanics/ Toulouse, France Proc. MicroMechanics Europe 2009
            • S. Schonhardt, J.G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Robust comb design for inductive displacement sensor with large travel and high sensitivity.
              2009 Transducers 2009, Denver, Co., USA , pages: 1912 - 1915
            • T. Hansel, R. Grunwald, G. Steinmeyer, U. Griebner, F. Schneider, U. Wallrabe
              Time-resolved two-wavelength contouring of adaptive fluidic PDMS-lenses,
              2009 SPIE Europe Optics and Optoelectronics/ Prag, Tschechien Proc. SPIE 2009, volume: 7358
            • T.-M. Chen, Z. Liu, J. G. Korvink, S. Krausse, U. Wallrabe
              Topology optimization for a micro rotational mirror design and safe manufacturing
              2009 MEMS, Sorrento, Italien Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, IEEE, pages: 1019 - 1022
            • B. Lemke, K. Kratt, R. Baskaran, O. Paul
              Towards piezoresistive CMOS sensors for out-of plane stress,
              2009 IEEE 21nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems/ Sorrento, Italy Proc. MEMS 2009, IEEE, pages: 781 - 784


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            • F. Schneider, D. Eberhard, D. Strohmeier, C. Müller, U. Wallrabe
              Adaptive PDMS-membrane lens,
              2008 OPTO 2008/ Nürnberg, Germany Proc. OPTO 2008
            • F. Schneider, D. Eberhard, D. Strohmeier, C. Müller, U. Wallrabe
              Adaptive fluidic PDMS-lens with integrated piezoelectric actuator
              2008 MEMS, Tucson, Arizona, USA Proc MEMS, pages: 120 - 123
            • S. Schonhardt, J.G. Korvink, U. Hollenbach, J. Mohr, U. Wallrabe
              Cascaded electromagnetic comb drive actuator
              2008 ACTUATOR, Bremen , pages: 338 - 341
            • B. Mack, M. Stürmer, U. Wallrabe
              Comparison of different relative movement directions of magnet and coil in an electromagnetic energy harvester
              2008 Power MEMS, Sendai, Japan , pages: 313 - 316
            • J. Draheim, F. Schneider, U. Wallrabe
              Elastic pump actuator for adaptive optics,
              2008 Actuator, 11th International Conference on new Actuators/ Bremen, Germany Proc. Actuator 2008
            • S. Schonhardt, J.G. Korvink, J. Mohr, U. Hollenbach, U. Wallrabe
              Magnetic comb drive actuator
              2008 MEMS tucson, Arizona, USA J Microelectromech S, IEEE, pages: 479 - 482
            • K. Kratt, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Micro coil manufacturing,
              2008 ACTUATOR, 11th International Conference on New Actutators/ Bremen, Germany ACTUATOR 2008, pages: 311 - 317
            • M. Langelaar, Z. Liu, J. Brunne, F. Schneider, U. Wallrabe, J. G. Korvink
              Shape and topology optimization of an integrated piezoelectric micro lens actuator,
              2008 International Conference on Engineering Optimization/ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Proc. International Conference on Engineering Optimization 2008
            • K. Kratt, M. Seidel, M. Emmenegger, U. Wallrabe, J. G. Korvink
              Solenoidal micro coils manufactured with a wire bonder,
              2008 MEMS 2008. IEEE 21st International Conference/ Tucson, AZ, USA Proc. MEMS 2008, IEEE, pages: 996 - 999
            • K. Kratt, U. Wallrabe, J. G. Korvink
              Solenoidal out-of-plane micro coils for MR analysis manufactured with a wire bonder
              2008 ISMRM, Toronto, Ontario, Canada , volume: Paper No. 1098


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            • F. Schneider, C. Müller, U. Ulmer, D. Eberhard, H. Besser, W. Pfleging, U. Wallrabe
              Adaptive Silikonmembranlinsen mit integriertem Piezo-Aktor,
              2007 MikroSystemTechnik Kongress/ Dresden Proc. MST Kongress 2007, VDE Verlag
            • S. Schonhardt, U. Wallrabe, J.G. Korvink
              Influence of the pole-shoe geometry to the motion characteristics of an electro-magnetic linear actuator fabricated in LIGA Technology
              2007 7th International Workshop on High-Aspect-Ratio Micro-Structure Tecnology, Besancon, Frankreich , pages: 121 - 122
            • F. Schneider, C. Müller, U. Wallrabe
              Low cost adaptive silicone membrane lens,
              2007 Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics 2007, Hualien, Taiwan Proc Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, pages: 145 - 146
            • S. Schonhardt, O. Gruschke, C. Müller, J.G. Korvink, U. Hollenbach, J. Mohr, K. Bade, U. Wallrabe
              Untersuchung des Einflusses der Polschuhneigung und Materialeigenschaften auf das Bewegungsverhaltenvon elektromagnetischen Aktoren
              2007 Mikrosystemtechnikkongress, Dresden, Deutschland , pages: 967 - 970


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            • Z. Liu, J. G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe, C. Müller
              Design of compliant rotational mirror with structural topology optimization
              2006 ACTUATOR 2006, Bremen, Deutschland , pages: 716 - 719
            • S. Schonhardt, J.G. Korvink, U. Wallrabe
              Low power electromagnetic actuators with large travelling range
              2006 ACTUATOR. Bremen, Deutschland , pages: 124 - 128
            • F. Schneider, D. Hohlfeld, U. Wallrabe
              Miniaturized electromagnetic ferrofluid actuator,
              2006 ACTUATOR 2006, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. New Actuators


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            • F. Schneider, D. Hohlfeld, U. Wallrabe
              Evaluation von Ferrofluiden für hydraulische Aktoren,
              2005 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress/ Freiburg, Germany Proc. MST Kongress 2005, VDE Verlag, pages: 831 - 834
            • S. Schonhardt, U. Wallrabe, J.G. Korvink, C. Solf
              Untersuchung des Stabilitätsverhaltens von elektromagnetischen Aktoren
              2005 Mikrosystemtechnikkongresse 2005, Freiburg, Deutschland , pages: 835 - 838


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            • P. Henzi, D. Rabus, U. Wallrabe, J. Mohr
              Fabrication of photonic integrated circuits by DUV-induced modification of polymers
              2004 SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, France SPIE, volume: 5451, pages: 24 - 31
            • P. Henzi, D. Rabus, U. Wallrabe, J. Mohr
              Fabrication of photonic integrated circuits by DUV-induced modification of polymers
              2004 SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, France SPIE, volume: 5451, pages: 24 - 31
            • P. Henzi, D. Rabus, U. Wallrabe, J. Mohr
              Low cost single mode waveguide fabrication allowing passive fibre coupling using LIGA and UV flood exposure
              2004 SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, France SPIE, volume: 5454, pages: 64 - 74
            • U. Wallrabe, J. Mohr, C. Solf
              Mini-FT-Spectrometer for the near infrared
              2004 EUROSENSORS XVIII, Rome, Italy , pages: 160 - 161
            • U. Wallrabe, J. Mohr, C. Solf
              Miniaturized FTIR spectrometer with large travel electromagnetic linear actuator consuming low power
              2004 Actuator 2004, Bremen, Germany , pages: 321 - 324
            • U. Hollenbach, J. Mohr, T. Oka, U. Wallrabe, I. Sieber
              Novel design and prototyping of a micro-optical distance sensor considering a distributed fabrication.
              2004 SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, France SPIE, volume: 5459, pages: 211 - 218
            • P. Henzi, D. Rabus, U. Wallrabe, J. Mohr
              UV-induced modification of dielectric properties of polymers for fabrication of passive planar lightwave circuits
              2004 LEOS IEEE 2004, Puerto Rico , volume: Vol. 2, pages: 792 - 793


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            • P. Henzi, R. Truckenmüller, D. Hermann, S. Achenbach, U. Wallrabe, J. Mohr
              Bonding of LIGA PMMA microstructures by UV irraditation and lkow temperature welding
              2003 HARMST 2003, Monterey, California, USA , pages: 197 - 198
            • C. Solf, A. Janssen, J. Mohr, A. Ruzzu, U. Wallrabe
              Incorporating design rules into the LIGA technology applied to a Fourier transformation spectrometer
              2003 HARMST 2003, Monterey, California, USA , pages: 183 - 184
            • U. Wallrabe, U. Hollenbach, J. Mohr, T. Oka
              Manufacturing line for the distributed fabrication of modular microoptical systems
              2003 MICRO.tec 2003, Munich, Germany , pages: 195 - 199
            • T. Oka, M. Tsugai, K. Takashima, U. Wallrabe, U. Hollenbach, J. Mohr
              Micro opticals distance sensor fabricated by micromachining technology
              2003 SENSOR 2003, Nuermberg, Germany , pages: 133 - 137
            • J. Mohr, U. Hollenbach, A. Last, U. Wallrabe
              Microoptics made by LIGA technology
              2003 HARMST 2003, Monterey, California , pages: 169 - 170
            • C. Solf, J. Mohr, U. Wallrabe
              Miniaturized LIGA Fourier transformation spectrometer
              2003 2003 IEEE Sensors, Toronto, Canada , pages: 773 - 776


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            • U. Hollenbach, P. Krippner, J. Mohr, T. Oka, U. Wallrabe
              A modular fabricatin concept for EOSS is demonstrated by a micro optical distance sensor
              2002 OPTO 2002, Erfurt, Germany , pages: 133 - 136
            • U. Wallrabe, U. Hollenbach, P. Krippner, J. Mohr, T. Oka
              Characterization of a micro optical distance sensor
              2002 IEEE/LEOS Int.Conference on Optical MEMS, Lugano, Switzerland , pages: 29 - 30


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            • J. Mohr, A. Last, U. Hollenbach, T. Oka, U. Wallrabe
              A modular fabrication concept for micro optical systems
              2001 IEEE/LEOS Int. Conference on Optical MEMS, Okinawa, Japan , pages: 77 - 78
            • T. Oka, H. Nakajima, A. Shiratsuki, M. Tsugai, U. Wallrabe, U. Hollenbach, P. Krippner, J. Mohr
              Development of a micro optical distance sensor with electric I/O interface
              2001 TRANSDUCERS 01, Munich, Germany , pages: 536 - 539
            • A. Ruzzu, A. Dieckmann, J. Mohr, U. Wallrabe
              Scalable opto-electromechanical switch-array with passively aligned free-space optical components
              2001 IEEE/LEOS Int. Conference on Optical MEMS, Okinawa, Japan , pages: 19 - 20
            • Th. Schaller, H. Dittrich, A. Gerlach, A.E. Guber, M. Heckele, A. Muslija, U. Wallrabe, W. Zissler
              Small tolerances & large areas. Micromachining meets industrial requirements.
              2001 EUSPEN 2nd Int. Conference, Turin, Italy , volume: 2, pages: 676 - 679


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            • S.-J. Chung, H. Hein, J. Mohr, F.J. Pantenburg, J. Schulz, U. Wallrabe
              LIGA technology today and its industrial applications
              2000 SPIE Microrobotics and Microassembly II, Boston, Ma., USA SPIE, volume: 4194, pages: 44 - 55
            • C. Rembe, H. Aschemann, S. aus der Wiesche, E. P. Hofer, H. Debéda, J. Mohr, U. Wallrabe
              Nontactile reliability testing of a micro-optical attentuator
              2000 IEEE 2000 Int. Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS). San José, CA. USA , pages: 123 - 128
            • A. Ruzzu, D. Haller, J. Mohr, U. Wallrabe
              Optical 2x2 switch matrix with electromechanical micromotors
              2000 MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems, Santa Clara, CA., USA SPIE Micromachining and Microfabrication, volume: 4178, pages: 67 - 76


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            • K. Schumacher, O. Krömer, U. Wallrabe, J. Mohr, V. Saile
              Micromechanical LIGA gyroscope
              1999 TRANSDUCERS 99, Sendai, Japan , volume: 2, pages: 1574 - 1577
            • R. Ruprecht, M. Berner, H. Fischer, A. Guber, W. Pfleging, V. Piotter, A. Schüssler, U. Wallrabe, K. F. Weibezahn
              Miniaturisierung in der Medizintechnik, Herstellung von Mikrokomponenten für die minimal invasive Therapie und Analytik
              1999 23. Jahrestagung der Spritzgießtechnik des VDI-K, Baden-Baden, Germany , pages: 109 - 133


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            • A. Ruzzu, J. Fahrenberg, M. Müller, C. Rembe, U. Wallrabe
              A cutter with rotational-speed dependent diameter for interventional catheter systems
              1998 MEMS 98, Heidelberg, Germany IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, pages: 499 - 503
            • H. Debéda, J. Mohr, C. Rembe, J. Schulz, U. Wallrabe, J. Wengelink
              Fully batch fabricated LIGA actuators integrated on Piezo electric ceramic substrates
              1998 ACTUATOR 98, Bremen, Germany , pages: 54 - 57
            • T.v. Freyhold, H. Debéda, P. Krippner, J. Mohr, U. Wallrabe, J. Wengelink
              Miniaturized Piezo electric chopper for fiber optical multimode applications realized using LIGA technology
              1998 Optical MEMS 98, IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, Monterey, CA, USA , pages: 75 - 76
            • J. Wengelink, H. Debéda, J. Mohr, U. Wallrabe
              Miniaturized Piezo electric optical attentuator, realized by using LIGA technology
              1998 OPTO 98, Erfurt, Germany , pages: 133 - 136


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            • A. Ruzzu, D. Maas, U. Wallrabe, J. Mohr
              Catheter tips with integrated positioning system
              1997 9th Annual International Meeting, Kyoto, Japan Minim Invasiv Ther, volume: 6, supplement: 1, page: 56
            • U. Wallrabe, S. Hansen, G. Leipert, J. Mohr, A. Ruzzu
              Microturbine for integration on catheters and endoscopes
              1997 9th Annual International Meeting, Kyoto, Japan Minim Invasiv Ther, volume: 6, supplement: 1, page: 56


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            • U. Wallrabe
              Application of LIGA-Technology in Medical Research
              1996 PIMS (Polymers in Medicine and Surgery) 96, Glasgow, UK The Institute of Materials, pages: 97 - 104
            • U. Wallrabe, J. Mohr, I. Tesari, K. Wulff
              Power characteristics of 3-d operated microturbines for minimally invasive therapy
              1996 MEMS 96, San Diego, CA, USA IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, pages: 462 - 466


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            • U. Wallrabe, W. Menz, J. Mohr, M. Schaufler, M. Schwörer
              Radial and axial-flow microturbines providing power output
              1995 MIMR´95 (Int. Symposium on Microsystems, Intelligent Materials and Robots), Sendai,Japan , pages: 49 - 52
            • T. Bieger, U. Wallrabe
              Reibungs- und Verschleißuntersuchungen an LIGA-Mikrostrukturen
              1995 3. VDE-Mikroelektronik-Forum , pages: 151 - 155


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            • U. Wallrabe, P. Bley, B. Krevet, W. Menz, J. Mohr
              Theoretical and experimental results of an electrostatic micromotor with large gear ratio fabricated by the LIGA-process
              1992 MEMS 92, Travemünde, Germany IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, pages: 139 - 140


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            • J. Mohr, P. Bley, C. Burbaum, W. Menz, U. Wallrabe
              Fabrication of microsensor and microactuator elements by the LIGA-process
              1991 TRANSDUCERS 91, San Francisco, CA, USA IEEE, pages: 607 - 609
            • U. Wallrabe, M. Himmelhaus, J. Mohr, P. Bley, W. Menz
              Rotierende Mikrostrukturen als Grundlage für einen mikromechanischen Strömungsmesser
              1991 Tagung "Werkstoffe der Mikrotechnik- Basis für neue Produkte", Karlsruhe VDI-Berichte 933, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, pages: 327 - 337
            • P. Bley, J. Göttert, M. Harmening, M. Himmelhaus, W. Menz, J. Mohr, C. Müller, U. Wallrabe
              The LIGA-process for the fabrication of micromechanical and microoptical components
              1991 MICROSYSTEMS Technologies 91, Berlin, Germany VDE-Verlag, pages: 302 - 314


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            • J. Mohr, C. Burbaum, P. Bley, W. Menz, U. Wallrabe
              Movable microstructures manufactured by the LIGA-process as basic elements for microsystems
              1990 Microsystem Technologies 90, Berlin Germany Springer Verlag, pages: 529 - 537
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