You are here: Home Professuren Rohrbach, Alexander Mitarbeiter Ellen Hermle

Ellen Hermle

In 2018 I started my studies in Microsystems engineering at Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg. Since I wanted to get more involved in physics, I decided to do my bachelor thesis at the Chair for Simulation. In my thesis, I investigated the effect of oxygen adsorption on thin zinc oxide surfaces by simulating this process. After successfully completing my bachelor’s degree in 2021, I continued my studies with the consecutive master, focusing on optics and material science. Beginning in 2023, I spend one year in Japan for an internship at Kyoto University of Advanced Science, where I helped to build up an optical measurement system to measure the electro-optic coefficient of KTN in the paraelectric phase. After returning to Germany, I'm now working on my Master thesis at the Chair for Bio- and Nano-Photonics, where I'm working with the photonic force microscope.
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